Saturday, June 25, 2016

Hello Seattle

We packed up the camping gear, said goodbye to the pilots and southern Oregon and headed North! Hello Seattle!

Seattle is home to a lot of people, specifically my brother Casey, cousin Matt, Cousin Danielle, and her wife Shelby. Casey and Matt (and their roommates/ coworkers) were kind enough to let us crash our first night in town, getting in quite late. Casey and Matt work changing water meters and have been in the area for a couple of months. Casey was able to take a day off and hang out with us- which was great. It’s been several months since we’ve seen each other, so some sibling time was in order. 

After spending the day with Casey, we headed up to North Bend where Dani and Shelby were kind enough to put us up. It’s great to have friends and relatives spread all over the place! Seattle came at the perfect time, we were definitely in need of a recharge and spent a day doing very little.

We checked out the North Bend and Snoqualmie area, most notably known for being the setting of fiction town and TV show “Twin Peaks” and had breakfast at Twede’s Cafe, aka Double R Cafe. I’ve never seen “Twin Peaks” and neither has Mitch, but we’re told this is iconic. We’ll be adding it to our Netflix cue for the sole purpose of being able to say “We’ve been there!”.

Just a few miles away is Snowqualmie Falls- apparently featured in the intro of “Twin Peaks”, but also a really beautiful water fall and home to the first completely underground hydroelectric plant. The falls are gorgeous and there is a little trail that goes to the bottom where the plant is located. We decided to walk down. As we progressed it started to sprinkle, then it began to drizzle, and when it hit actual light rain status we decided we should turn around. The path was incredibly steep, but luckily it was mostly covered by large trees so we made it out just lightly damp instead of completely soaked. 

We topped off the evening with Sushi and Netflix and much needed rest. Tomorrow, however, we head into the big city.

 Coffee was good.

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